27 Oct

#Prince Harry Is Ready For #TouchRugby with Manchester Students

Pubblicato da Ufficio Stampa Touch Rugby Roma

He never turns down a challenge, and Prince Harry looked to be in fine form as he took part in an event with England Rugby’s All Schools Program in Manchester on pharry-102014-_4Monday (October 20).

The handsome crimson-haired hunk took to the pitch at Eccles RFC as a teacher for the training session of touch rugby with school children from the area.

 pharry-102014-_5Harry is a patron of England Rugby and has expressed his desire to get more schools involved in playing the sport as part of their extra-curricular offerings.

Prior to the game, the Prince also met with student volunteers and organizers to look at how the All Schools Program provides funding for uniforms and equipment as a means of encouraging children to be more active.

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