6 Nov

Touch Rugby Beginner’s Session

Pubblicato da Ufficio Stampa Touch Rugby Roma

Touch Rugby Roma  invite you to  experience a new way of play Rugby…. TOUCH RUGBY.

From Peterborough Touch Rugby.

Touch is a minimal contact sport played on a pitch area of 50x70m. The game emphastouch for passion1ises running, agility, passing, catching and communication. Touch is often referred to as Touch Rugby, but there is no tackling, lineouts, scrumming or kicking involved. This makes it appealing to a wide range of ages and abilities, from juniors to masters and from slight to heavy builds.

Touch is one of the few team sports where men and women compete on teams together not only socially but at an international level.


These sessions are suitable for men and women of a wide range of ages and abilities with no previous experience. Touch is a minimal contact, social sport where men and women can play together.


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