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Magners League

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Registrato: 06/12/08 17:57
Messaggi: 123

MessaggioInviato: Lun Ago 09, 2010 13:09    Oggetto: Magners League Rispondi citando

Ecco come il sito degli Aironi invita tutti i tifosi stranieri ad andare a Viadana a visitare la cittą:

Essential information for supporters travelling to Viadana to visit Montepaschi Viadana Rugby Club

Viadana MN is a small town east of Parma, and the 'last post' in Lombardy before you cross the River Po to Emilia Romagna.

It's not to be confused with Viadana near Brescia. We are 25 miles from Mantova (Mantua) and about 50 miles southwest of Verona. Viadana MN is a small industrial town of 17,000 inhabitants.

When host teams supporters come, there may be problems finding suitable accomodation nearby, as there is limited hotel spaces available due to a distinct lack of hotels within a 20 mile radius of Viadana etc.

There is also major problems of access, as Viadana is not served by Rail, bus services are limited generally to school hours, and the town doesn't have a taxi company.

Generally visitors from other clubs are restricted to staying in Parma - about 40 mins drive away, Reggio nel'Emilia 40 minutes drive away, or Mantova which is also 40 minutes drive away, and may find that although travelling to Viadana by Parma, Reggio or Mantova based taxi firms is an option, return travel to Parma, Reggio or Mantova later on in the evening can become problematic to say the least.


In altre parole: STATE ALLA LARGA DA VIADANA!!??!!???!
The referee: "Every decisions can not be wrong"
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