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Toulouse torneo!
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Registrato: 07/10/08 18:19
Messaggi: 308
Residenza: Roma

MessaggioInviato: Mer Set 26, 2012 11:34    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Crying or Very sad
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Registrato: 01/02/11 09:46
Messaggi: 35

MessaggioInviato: Mer Set 26, 2012 11:58    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

I did not say I don't want to go.... I am still keen!
The thing is how many people will be able to come?

And more we wait...more it will be expensive!

Ok resume of the price :
The flight:
friday : 39.49
sunday : 128.99 +11euros (online booking)

food and party saturday : 30euros
team registering : 50 for the team (so if we are 6 : 8.33 euros)

room at the hotel : 35euros/night for a room of 3 (+taxe of 0.70/night/person so 24.73 euro/person for the 2 night)

+ the car....

So a total of 242.54 + the car renting!!! (+ the food the friday night)
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