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Spain tornament

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Registrato: 01/02/11 09:46
Messaggi: 35

MessaggioInviato: Mar Ott 09, 2012 9:58    Oggetto: Spain tornament Rispondi citando

Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the organising committee you are cordially invited to partake in the 2012 Benidorm Touch Tournament. The tournament will take place on the 24th November 2012 at Villajoyosa Stadium.

We are excited about this year’s Touch Tournament as it will be the second of its kind hosted by Rugby La Vila and will join a number of successful tournaments that are hosted annually by the club.

The aim of the tournament is to promote Touch in Spain, and in particular on the Costa Blanca. Touch in Spain is not currently widely participated in compared to many other countries including Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Rugby La Vila feel that Touch has the potential to grow here in Spain as warm summer climate and long summer days allows for the participation into the evening. It also creates the perfect platform for participants to enjoy participating in the sport on a social level.

Another fantastic drawcard to Touch is the fact that it is one of the few team sports that allows for men and women to participate together. Meaning you have no excuse not to be able to put a team together!

Accommodation is organised as part of the package. We have a fantastic sponsorship arrangement with reputable hotel chains meaning we can offer a variety of packages to suit your needs and budget. Choose from either chic, self-catering apartments or from 3 star hotels with breakfast and dinner included.

We are positive that this is going to be another great annual tournament held on the Costa Blanca and we would love for you to be a part of the big event. Please see the attached tournament brochure for more information and contact us as soon as possible to secure your place in the tournament.
Kind Regards,

Av Mediterraneo 25
Tlf + 34 96 589 40 72
Fax + 34 96 685 14 37
Mov + 34 608 068 208
Stadium + 34 96 589 03 76
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Registrato: 15/12/08 10:07
Messaggi: 169
Residenza: roma

MessaggioInviato: Mer Ott 10, 2012 8:47    Oggetto: Re: Spain tornament Rispondi citando

Cecile ha scritto:
Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the organising committee you are cordially invited to partake in the 2012 Benidorm Touch Tournament. The tournament will take place on the 24th November 2012 at Villajoyosa Stadium.

We are excited about this year’s Touch Tournament as it will be the second of its kind hosted by Rugby La Vila and will join a number of successful tournaments that are hosted annually by the club.

The aim of the tournament is to promote Touch in Spain, and in particular on the Costa Blanca. Touch in Spain is not currently widely participated in compared to many other countries including Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Rugby La Vila feel that Touch has the potential to grow here in Spain as warm summer climate and long summer days allows for the participation into the evening. It also creates the perfect platform for participants to enjoy participating in the sport on a social level.

Another fantastic drawcard to Touch is the fact that it is one of the few team sports that allows for men and women to participate together. Meaning you have no excuse not to be able to put a team together!

Accommodation is organised as part of the package. We have a fantastic sponsorship arrangement with reputable hotel chains meaning we can offer a variety of packages to suit your needs and budget. Choose from either chic, self-catering apartments or from 3 star hotels with breakfast and dinner included.

We are positive that this is going to be another great annual tournament held on the Costa Blanca and we would love for you to be a part of the big event. Please see the attached tournament brochure for more information and contact us as soon as possible to secure your place in the tournament.
Kind Regards,

Av Mediterraneo 25
Tlf + 34 96 589 40 72
Fax + 34 96 685 14 37
Mov + 34 608 068 208
Stadium + 34 96 589 03 76


But I don't find the webpage of the tournament!
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Registrato: 15/12/08 10:07
Messaggi: 169
Residenza: roma

MessaggioInviato: Mer Ott 10, 2012 8:50    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

voli vueling su valencia siamo oggi sui 70 euro AR!!!!!

da valencia circa 1,30 h di macchina o bus

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Registrato: 07/10/08 18:19
Messaggi: 308
Residenza: Roma

MessaggioInviato: Mer Ott 10, 2012 9:17    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

non male!
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